Christ In Me Int/Collective

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The ‘One GOD’ of Christ in Me International [ Christ in me Collective] (Part 4) by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff.

Source: (Average read: 5 Minutes). This is the fourth, instalment where I set out to show the simple inconsistencies and the poor reflection on the Scriptures from “Christ In Me International” (Pretoria, SA). From here on, I will refer to ‘Christ in Me International’ in abbreviated terms as ‘CIMI’. The availability of their article is found at the following link: ‘One God’. Let us look at their perspective and reply to it systematically. CIMI [...]

The ‘One GOD’ of Christ in Me International [Christ in me Collective] (Part 3) by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff.

(Average read: 5 Minutes). This is the third installment where I set out to show the simple inconsistencies and the poor reflection on the Scriptures from “Christ In Me International” (Pretoria, SA). From here on, I will refer to ‘Christ in Me International’ in abbreviated terms as ‘CIMI’. The availability of their article is found at their site under the title: ‘One God’. Let us look at their perspective and reply to it step by [...]

The ‘One GOD’ of Christ in Me International [Christ in me Collective] (Part 2) by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff.

(Average read: 5 Minutes). This is the second installment where I set out to show the simple inconsistencies and the poor reflection on the Scriptures from "Christ In Me International" (PTA). From here on, I will refer to ‘Christ in Me International’ in abbreviated terms as ‘CIMI’.The availability of their article is found at the following link: ‘One God’. Let us look at their perspective and reply to it step by step. CIMI states: Scripture [...]

The ‘One GOD’ of Christ in Me International (Part 1) [Christ in me Collective] by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff.

(Average read: 5 Minutes). I am appreciative of ‘Christ in Me International’s attempt to explain their perspective on the roots and definition of the Doctrine of the Trinity and Jesus Christ. In this article, I will look at the context of the Scriptures they mention as well as the validity of their own teachings surrounding these portions and clarify the orthodox (original) historical understanding of what these Scriptures teach in the Biblical context (exegesis[1]). From [...]

Is Christ in Me International a Cult? – A Response by Don and Joy Veinot

Christ in Me International (CiMI) is a New Religious Movement developing in South Africa. We were alerted to its existence when we began receiving emails and requests for information: Is this a group that falls within the historic Christian faith but engages in some odd practices, or does the New Religious Movement fall outside the pale of orthodoxy? We have done two web casts on this subject with a concerned pastor from that area, Rudolph Boshoff [...]

Christ In Me International [Christ in me Collective]: Emergence of a New Cult? by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff.

In about 48 to 50 AD, Paul of Tarsus wrote to the Galatian Church being befuddled about their willingness to accept a different Gospel. He wrote (1:6-8) “I am amazed that you are so quickly turning away from Him who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are troubling you and want to change the good news [...]

The theology of “Christ in Me International” [Christ in Me Collective] evaluated by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff

In this article, I will analyse the central teaching of "Christ in Me International" as outlined by Mathys Kotzé (tutor at C.I.M.I). His explanation appeared in the comments section of the “Nuwe Wyn” blog of Dr. Christo Nel on October 16, 2016.[1] From here on, I will refer to Christ in Me International as CIMI and throughout the article look at two central themes: First their Christology (their view on the work and person of [...]


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