Christian Cults

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A short appraisal of David Breese’s book “Know the Marks of Cults” by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff.

For years, I had a small book in my library that could identify and describe the characteristics of a cult. In David Breese's book, 'Know the Marks of Cults,' he lists twelve marks of cults to help one determine whether a group claiming to be Christian is indeed a cult. A group does not have to exhibit all twelve marks to be considered a cult, but the more marks it does display, the more certain [...]

By |2024-03-12T10:31:49+02:00October 31st, 2023|Christian Cults|0 Comments

Who is the true Israel: A look at the cult of British-Israel Identity by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

A brief summary of their beliefs.  - Followers of this belief hold that the Lord God's election is limited to Israel alone. They create a division based on biological descent. One group is considered children of God, His covenant people, and the other is considered children of the devil. - They believe that the devil had relations with certain women, resulting in the group of children of the devil. Thus, trying to convert them with [...]

By |2023-08-03T16:46:05+02:00August 3rd, 2023|Christian Cults|0 Comments

Not everyone is a Heretic by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

“Heresy!” They blurted out when the preacher said something that sounded suspicious. “He is preaching something that is out of the norm...” “I just do not like that guy's vibe...” “Where was he educated?” “Whatever the Bible says, it can’t be that?” “I just don’t like him...”  Steven Bullivant writes. “Heresy is what sincere Christians, quite properly and prudently, are keen to avoid. It comes from the Greek word hairesis, which means “choice," “opinion," or [...]

By |2023-08-23T14:23:21+02:00April 21st, 2023|Christian Cults, Ecclesiology|0 Comments

Is Pentecostalism Becoming the New Religion of the Global Poor? A Reply to Elle Hardy by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

I recently received an article sent to me by a colleague concerning the state of the Pentecostal Church in South Africa. The title seemed intriguing, and I thought I would give it a read. I have seen the name of the author, Elle Hardy, in numerous articles in the past and thought I would read what she wrote. It seems like Elle has built quite a career that thrives on the messiness of the [...]

Heresy Hunting, Biblical discernment, and Godly correction by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff.

Is there a place for biblical discernment and calling out those in error? Yes! And I think my website and YouTube channel have quite a repertoire, proofing this to be so. Over the last few years, I have spent some time on three different platforms looking at some problematic doctrinal errors, studying the Bible, and interviewing theologians to ask specific questions. Recently I have been invited by someone I have been investigating to interact and [...]

By |2024-06-25T11:34:13+02:00January 7th, 2022|Christian Cults, Thoughts|0 Comments

Jesus as an adopted Son of God: The Heresy of Adoptionism by Dr Daniel Maritz

Alister McGrath explains the nature of heresy as follows: “One of the more persistent themes in early Christian accounts of heresy is that it smuggles rival accounts of reality into the household of faith. It is a Trojan horse, a means of establishing (whether by accident or design) an alternative belief system within its host. Heresy appears to be Christian, yet it is actually an enemy of faith that sows the seed of faith’s destruction.”[1] Heresies are [...]

By |2021-12-21T11:57:13+02:00December 19th, 2021|Christian Cults, Christology, Church History|0 Comments

Jesus as a Phantom: The Heresy of Docetism by Dr Daniel Maritz

In Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus asks His disciples an especially important question: “Who do you say that I am?” This question was obviously aimed towards the true identity of Jesus. Although the apostle Peter was there in that instance to answer the question correctly, during the time right after the lives of the apostles[1] many different answers to this very question Jesus posed, appeared on the scene of church history. However, any answer to Jesus’ question which [...]

By |2021-12-19T11:38:50+02:00December 19th, 2021|Christian Cults, Christology, Church History|0 Comments

Before you call out ‘God’s anointed’ by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

(5 Minute Read). “Why can’t we all just get along?” Jack Nicholson asks the queen of the Martian Aliens after their hostile takeover of the earth in the 1996 cult classic, 'Mars Attacks'.[1] There seems to be an ever-increasing culture of offense growing in Churches where we are cautioned not to point fingers in the direction of any believer or leader. "Shame on you," or "touch not God's anointed," have become the normative response hurled [...]

Should Christians have out of body experiences? by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

(5-minute read): There is an alarming trend amongst some influential televangelist and modern prophets. They relate subtle out of body experiences and visions relating to the same realities mentioned by the Old Testament patriarchs and New Testament Saints (Isa.6, 2 Cor.5:8). Recently, Prophet Leon Du Preez announced that he could leave his body and move into other household areas. These are but a small example of how these teachers promote vicarious practices described in the [...]

By |2021-04-30T20:15:59+02:00January 11th, 2021|Christian Cults|0 Comments

Biblical Contentment and the Prosperity Gospel by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

(3-minute read) Pentecostal Scholar, Gordon Fee, cautions us about two extreme viewpoints regarding wealth: first, a rejection, and second, an excessive accommodation of it. In some Churches, the false promise is made that God will bless you if you proportion an exuberant amount to the central man of God. God's grace for salvation seems to be free, but his supposed economy is not. The sad reality is that the "man of God" appears to become the catalyst for [...]

By |2023-10-19T11:22:45+02:00January 11th, 2021|Christian Cults|0 Comments


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