The Bible

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Does the Qur’an validate the New Testament? by by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

  In the previous debate, I tried to show that from a cursory reading of the Qur'an, it is undeniable that it speaks positively about the Christian Scriptures. Unfortunately, due to loadshedding in South Africa, my internet line was unstable and I could not really anticipate the other speaker's questions and opinions. So let me start by showing you what the Qur'an says.   The Qur'an's respectful view of the Bible. The Qur'an says that [...]

Monolatry or Monotheism? Reflections on the Debate with Kenny Bomer by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

(10-Minute Read) In my recent debate with Muslim author Kenny Bomer, we had the opportunity to discuss and look at his perspectives about the alleged influences and adaptions that were interpolated into the Bible from sources like the Ugaritic texts and other Ancient Near Eastern narratives.  You can view the complete debate here: DEBATE! Was Israel Monolatrous? I am convinced by several scholars like Dr. Larry Hurtado and Dr. Richard Bauckham that Jewish Monotheism was strict. [...]

Jewish Paganism and its Ugaritic influence. Reflections on the Debate with Kenny Bomer by Pastor Rudolph P. Boshoff

(5-Minute Read) In my recent debate with Muslim author Kenny Bomer, we had the opportunity to discuss and look at his perspectives about the alleged influences and adaptions that were interpolated into the Bible from sources like the Ugaritic texts and other Ancient Near Eastern narratives.  You can view the complete debate here: DEBATE!  In this series of articles, I will look at some of the claims of Kenny and unravel some of the underlined [...]

Evaluation of Dr Sayyed’s presentation, “Is the Bible God’s Word?” (Part 4) by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff

(5minute read). In the last few weeks, I have tried to show that Dr. Sayyed's objections to the authenticity of the Bible is not sincere and lacks any objectivity. Dr. Sayyed is merely trying to embarrass and twist the Biblical stories to fit his motives. He picks up the story of David at his old age and writes: "David sleeping with a girl to warm him (1 Kings 1:1-4).Is this doctrine? It cannot be a [...]

Evaluation of Dr Sayyed’s presentation, “Is the Bible God’s Word?” (Part 3) by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff.

5 minute read: In my previous article, I have shown that the central didactic of Dr. Sayyed is seemingly lacking in both fairness and objective scholarship. Dr. Sayyed seems to ask questions around inspiration and infallibility of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures that seem to conflict with his own presumed worldview. Here is part 3 looking at his suggested claims: Dr. Sayyed mentions, "Scribes changed as they pleased." He then quotes Dr. Bruce Metzger, quoting Church Father [...]

Evaluation of Dr Sayyed’s presentation, “Is the Bible God’s Word?” (Part 2) by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff

5 Minute read: In my previous article, I have shown that the central didactic of Dr. Sayyed is seemingly lacking in both fairness and objective scholarship. Dr. Sayyed seems to ask questions around the inspiration and infallibility of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures that seem to be in conflict with his own presumed worldview. [1] Here is part 2 looking at his suggested claims:  Who is making the claim that the Bible is God’s Word? Or from [...]

Evaluation of Dr Sayyed’s presentation, “Is the Bible God’s Word?” (Part 1) by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff

(10-minute read) In my recent discussion with Dr. Sayyed, his presentation was firmly based on two central biases. First, that God, in fact, cannot preserve His own revelation, and second, that the Prophets of the Old Testament and New Testament (Isaiah, David, Jesus) were not truthful concerning God’s decrees. In this article, I will give feedback on his presentation. I will mirror Dr Sayyed’s claims and apply the same to the central context of the [...]

Jesus, God, and the Qur’an, on the Christian Scriptures by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff

5 Minute read: In my recent discussion with Dr. Sayyed on the question, ‘Is the Bible God’s Word’ my central claim was that ultimately we can only answer that question once we have endeavored to look at the claims of Jesus as a true Prophet. My very central claim against Dr. Sayyed’s presentation, in fact, was threefold and I will briefly outline my argument in this article. First, we need to ask the question concerning [...]


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