Prophecy is history written in advance. Its 100% accuracy rate proves that it comes from God, whose plan for man’s salvation was in place since Adam. So when ancient prophets speak, consider their words as about or from the Messiah. Their pain foreshadows His pain; their jubilation foreshadows His victory over death.
1. He Would Exist Before Time  

Old Testament

New Testament
The Messiah would be:
From eternity and everlasting
Psalm 102:25-27
Proverbs 8:22-23
Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah 48:16
Micah 5:2
Colossians 1:17
John 1:1-2
John 8:58
John 17:5
Revelation 1:8
2. God Come Down in Human Form
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would be:
The Creator of all

Both God and man

Psalm 102:25-27
Psalm 110:1
Daniel 9:24
Psalm 45:6-7
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 40:3
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Zechariah 11:10-11
Zechariah 11:12-13
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Isaiah 9:6
Zechariah 12:10
Zechariah 13:7
John 1:3
Matthew 22:41-45
Luke 1:35
Hebrews 1:8-9
John 10:30
John 12:45 
John 13:13

John 14:7John 10:30
John 14:9
Philippians 2:6-8
Colossians 2:9
1 Timothy 3:16
3. The Only Son of God
Old Testament
New Testament
God would have a Son
The Messiah would be the Son of God

The Messiah would call God His Father

Proverbs 30:4
Psalm 2:7
Psalm 2:12
2 Samuel 7:13-14
1 Chron. 17:13-14
Isaiah 9:6
Psalm 89:26
Matthew 3:16-17
Luke 1:31-35
Matthew 17:5
Matthew 3:16-17
John 12:28-30Matthew 11:27
4 . Genealogy
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would be a descendant of:



Boaz & Ruth

(David’s son Nathan, not Solomon, was the ancestor of Christ. God cursed Solomon’s descendants because Jehoiakim, king of Judah, burned Jeremiah’s prophecies that fortold the coming devastation from Babylon’s king: Jer. 36:29-31)


Genesis 9:26
Genesis 12:1-3
Genesis 18:17-18
Genesis 22:18
Genesis 17:19
Genesis 21:12
Genesis 26:4
Genesis 28:14
Genesis 49:10
1 Chronicles 5:2
Ruth 4:12-17
Isaiah 11:1
Isaiah 11:10
2 Samuel 7:12-13
2 Samuel 7:16
1 Chron. 17:11-12
Psalm 89:3-4
Psalm 89:29
Psalm 89:35-36
Psalm 132:11
Psalm 132:17
Isaiah 7:13-14
Isaiah 9:7
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Jeremiah 33:14-15
Ezekiel 17:22-24
Ezekiel 34:23-24
Haggai 2:23
Luke 3:23-36
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Galatians 3:16
Luke 3:23-34
Luke 3:23-34
Luke 3:23-34
Luke 3:23-34
Luke 3:23-34
Luke 3:23-34
Luke 3:23-32
Luke 3:23-32
Luke 3:23-32
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Luke 3:23-32
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Matthew 1:1
Luke 3:23-32
Luke 3:23-32
Luke 3:23-32
Matthew 1:1
Luke 3:23-27
5. His Advent Was Prophecied Precisely By Daniel In 535 B.C. – 5 Centuries Before His Birth
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would appear exactly 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem; King Artaxerxes gave the order to Nehemiah in 444 B.C. (483 Biblical years = 476 solar years + 1 for B.C. to A.D. transition.) Jesus arrived in Jerusalem with His followers, who proclaimed Him King, on Passover week 33 A.D.
The Jews would have lost the power of capital punishment when Messiah arrived
The Messiah would be killed before the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) by Rome
Daniel 9:25Nehemiah 2:1-6

Deuteronomy 13:9
Daniel 9:26

John 12:12-13

John 18:31-32
Matthew 27:50-51

6. Birth and Early Years
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Be born of the “seed” of a woman
Be born of a virgin

Be called Immanuel, or “God with us”
Be called by His name before He was born
Be born in Bethlehem
By His birth, signal God come down to earth
Be worshipped by shepherds
Be worshipped by kings
Be protected by God
Come out of Egypt
Grow up in a poor family, a “shoot,” not a king
Grow up in a poor family, the Davidic line being “dry ground”
Be aware of His Father from His youth

Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 7:14
Jeremiah 31:22
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 49:1
Micah 5:2
Isaiah 9:6
Psalm 72:9
Isaiah 60:3
Isaiah 49:2
Hosea 11:1
Isaiah 11:1
Isaiah 53:2
Psalm 22:9
Luke 1:34-35
Luke 1:34-35
Matthew 1:18-20
Matthew 1:21-23
Luke 1:30-31
Matthew 2:1-2
Luke 2:11
Luke 2:8-11
Matthew 2:1-2
Matthew 2:13-15
Matthew 2:14-15
Luke 2:7
Luke 2:7
Luke 2:40
7. John the Baptist
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah’s forerunner would:
Live in the wilderness
Prepare the way for the Messiah

Come in the spirit of Elijah
Turn many away from sin and to righteousness

Isaiah 40:3
Isaiah 40:3 
Malachi 3:1

Malachi 4:5
Malachi 4:6
Matthew 3:1-4
Luke 1:17
Matthew 11:10

Matthew 3:1-2
Luke 1:16-17
8. Characteristics
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Be a Prophet like Moses

Be a Priest in the order of Melchizedek
Be Priest and King
Be a King

Be the “Wonderful Counselor”
Be the “Prince of Peace”
Be the subject of angels’ worship
Be a witness
Be as a shepherd
Speak in parables

Speak with a message of grace
Have words like a sharp sword
Speak with words of authority given to Him from God
Have a Galilean ministry
Have the Spirit of God upon Him

Have the Spirit of Wisdom
Have the Spirit of Understanding
Have the Spirit of Counsel
Have the Spirit of Might
Have the Spirit of the Knowledge of God
Have the Spirit of the Fear of God
Have a quick understanding in the fear of the LORD
Place His trust in God
Be just
Not judge on the basis of external representations
Judge the poor with righteousness
Have compassion for the poor and needy
Act with righteousness
Be responsible for the judgment of mankind
Not draw attention to himself
Be humble
Have the appearance of an ordinary man
Be the cornerstone
Be the cornerstone
Be the “Rock”
Be as the “light of the morning”
Say the scriptures were written of Him
Have the key of David

Deut 18:15-19
Psalm 110:4
Zechariah 6:12-13
Genesis 49:10
Numbers 24:17
Psalm 2:6
Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah 9:6
Deuteronomy 32:43
Isaiah 55:4
Isaiah 40:11
Psalm 78:2
Ezekiel 17:2
Hosea 12:9-10 
Psalm 45:2
Isaiah 49:2
Deut 18:18-19 
Isaiah 9:1-2

Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 42:1
Isaiah 61:1-2
Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 11:3 
Psalm 91:1-2

Isaiah 9:7
Isaiah 11:3 
Isaiah 11:4

Isaiah 42:3
Psalm 45:6-7
Joel 3:2
Isaiah 42:2
Zechariah 9:9
Isaiah 53:2
Isaiah 28:16
Zechariah 10:4
2 Samuel 23:2-4
2 Samuel 23:2-4
Psalm 40:7-8
Isaiah 22:22
John 6:14
Acts 3:22-23

Hebrews 6:20
Hebrews 8:1
John 1:49
John 19:19
John 12:12-13
John 14:27
Colossians 1:20
Hebrews 1:6
John 18:37
John 10:11
Matthew 13:34-35
Matthew 13:13-15
Mark 4:11
Luke 4:22
Revelation 2:12-16
John 12:48-50 
Matthew 4:12-17

Matthew 3:16-17
Matthew 3:16-17
Matthew 3:16-17
Luke 2:40
Luke 2:40
Matthew 7:28-29
Matthew 8:27
John 7:29
Hebrews 5:7
Luke 2:46-48 
John 14:1-2

John 5:30
John 7:24 
Mark 12:41-44

Matthew 11:4-5
Romans 5:17
John 5:22-27
Matthew 12:15-21
Matthew 11:29
Philippians 2:7-8
1 Peter 2:4-6
Ephesians 2:20
1 Corinthians 10:4
Revelation 22:16
Luke 24:44
Revelation 3:7
9. Sent To Do God’s Will
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Be called to God’s service from the womb

Be sent by God
Come to do God’s will
Please God
Do work that would glorify God
Not conceal His mission from the congregation
Not be rebellious to God’s will
Steadfastly set His face toward His mission
Be God’s servant

Bear reproach, for God’s sake

Be the sin-bearer for all mankind, by God’s will
Die for all mankind, by God’s will

Fully satisfy God with His suffering
Receive guidance from God
Speak with knowledge given to Him from God
Come in the name of the LORD

Psalm 22:10
Isaiah 49:1
Isaiah 48:16
Psalm 40:7-8
Isaiah 42:1
Isaiah 49:3
Psalm 40:9-10 
Isaiah 50:5

Isaiah 50:7
Isaiah 42:1
Isaiah 49:3
Isaiah 49:5
Isaiah 49:6
Isaiah 52:13
Isaiah 53:11
Ezekiel 34:23-24
Zechariah 3:8
Psalm 69:7
Psalm 69:9
Isaiah 53:6 
Isaiah 53:10

Zechariah 13:7
Isaiah 53:11
Isaiah 42:6
Isaiah 50:4 
Psalm 118:26
Luke 1:30-33
Matthew 1:20-21
John 7:29
John 5:30
Matthew 3:16-17
Matthew 15:30-31
Luke 4:16-21 
John 12:27

Luke 9:51-53
John 4:34
John 17:4
John 6:38
John 12:49-50
John 9:4
Romans 5:18-19
John 15:10
John 17:4
Matthew 26:65-67
Romans 15:3
1 John 4:10 
John 3:16

Hebrews 10:9-10
Philippians 3:9-11
John 5:19-20
John 12:49 
Matthew 21:9
10. Specific Incidents Prophesied
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Preach the good news
Declare that He was the Son of God
Receive praise from children
Be greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem
Be beheld as King
Be presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey
Visit the second Temple
Make a sudden appearance at the Temple
Be angered by disrespect toward the Temple
Be ministered to by God
Be promised an inheritance by God
Isaiah 61:1-2
Psalm 2:7
Psalm 8:2
Zechariah 9:9
Zechariah 9:9
Zechariah 9:9 
Haggai 2:6-9
Malachi 3:1

Psalm 69:9
Isaiah 42:6
Psalm 2:8
Luke 4:17-21
John 9:35-37
Matthew 21:15-16
Matthew 21:8-10
John 12:12-13
Matthew 21:6-9 
Luke 2:27-32

Mark 11:15-16
John 2:13-17
John 8:29Matthew 25:34
11. Miracles That Only God Could Do
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Raise the dead
Heal the blind

Heal the deaf
Heal the lame
Heal the deaf and mute
Have a healing ministry
Walk on water

Daniel 12:2
Isaiah 35:5

Isaiah 42:7 
Isaiah 35:5

Isaiah 35:6
Isaiah 29:18-19
Isaiah 53:4Job 9:8
John 11:43-44
Mark 10:51-52

Matthew 9:27-30 
Mark 7:32-35

Matthew 12:10-13
Mark 9:24-26
Luke 6:17-19John 6:19
12. Come For All
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Come for all nations

Come for all people

Have a ministry in Galilee to the Gentiles
Be a light to the Gentiles

Provide justice to the Gentiles and to all nations

Genesis 18:17-18
Genesis 22:18
Genesis 28:14
2 Samuel 22:50
Psalm 18:49
Isaiah 11:10
Isaiah 49:1
Isaiah 9:1-2
Isaiah 9:1-2
Isaiah 42:6
Isaiah 49:6
Isaiah 42:1
Acts 3:24-26
Galatians 3:14
Galatians 3:26-29
Romans 15:8-9
Ephesians 3:4-6
Acts 13:47-48
1 Timothy 2:4-6
Matthew 4:13-16
Luke 2:28-32
John 8:12
Acts 13:47-48
Matthew 24:14
13. Would Be The Sacrificial Lamb To Save Mankind
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Be the messenger of the new covenant
Be the new covenant

Come to make an end to sins
Provide freedom from the chains of sin and death
Proclaim a message of grace
Die for the sins of the world

Willingly give up His life to save mankind
Be God’s spotless sacrificial lamb
Be an offering for sin
Offer himself to replace all sacrifices
Shed His blood to make atonement for all
Bear the penalty for mankind’s sins

Be the sacrifice to provide peace between man and God
Justify man before God
Be the intercessor between man and God
Intercede with God on behalf of all sinners, even His tormenters
Enable believers to be His brothers by His atonement
Come to provide salvation
Bring salvation
Have a ministry to the oppressed
Offer salvation to all mankind
Come to bring Israel back to God
Come to Zion as their Redeemer
Judge those who refused to listen to Him
Reject those who did not believe in Him

Malachi 3:1
Isaiah 42:6
Jeremiah 31:31
Daniel 9:24
Isaiah 61:1-2
Isaiah 61:1-2

Isaiah 53:8
Daniel 9:26
Isaiah 53:12
Isaiah 53:7
Isaiah 53:10
Psalm 40:6-8
Isaiah 52:15
Isaiah 53:6
Isaiah 53:11
Isaiah 53:12
Isaiah 53:4
Isaiah 53:5
Isaiah 53:5 
Isaiah 53:11

Isaiah 59:15-16
Isaiah 53:12 
Psalm 22:22
Isaiah 59:15-16

Zechariah 9:9
Zechariah 11:7
Joel 2:32
Isaiah 49:5
Isaiah 59:20
Deut 18:15-19
Psalm 2:12
Luke 4:43
Luke 22:20
Hebrews 9:15
Galatians 1:3-5
Romans 8:20-22 
John 5:24

1 John 2:2
Hebrews 2:9
Luke 23:46
John 1:29
Matthew 20:28
Hebrews 10:10-13
Hebrews 9:21-22
Galatians 1:4
Hebrews 9:28
2 Corinthians 5:21
1 Peter 2:24
Matthew 20:17-19
Colossians 1:20 
Romans 5:8-9

Matthew 10:32-33
Luke 23:34 
Hebrews 2:10-12
John 6:40
Luke 19:10

Matthew 9:35-36
Romans 10:12-13
Matthew 15:24
Luke 2:38
John 12:48-50
John 3:36
14. Betrayed
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah’s betrayer would be a friend with whom He broke bread
The Messiah would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver
Thirty pieces of silver would be thrown into the house of the LORD
The potter’s field would be uninhabited
The Messiah’s betrayer would have a short life
The Messiah’s betrayer would be replaced
Psalm 41:9 
Zechariah 11:12-13

Zechariah 11:12-13
Psalm 69:25
Psalm 109:8
Psalm 109:8
Mark 14:17-18 
Matthew 26:14-15

Matthew 27:3-5
Acts 1:16-20
Acts 1:16-18
Acts 1:20-26
15. Friends Desert Him
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would be abandoned by the disciples
The Messiah’s disciples would fail Him in His time of need
Men would hide from being associated with the Messiah
Psalm 22:11
Psalm 69:20
Isaiah 53:3
Mark 14:50
Mark 14:33-41
Mark 14:50-52
16. Hated
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would be:

Hated by many without cause
Conspired against by political and religious leaders

Isaiah 49:7
Zechariah 11:8
Isaiah 53:3Psalm 22:6
Psalm 69:4
Psalm 2:2
John 10:20
Matthew 27:20
Luke 4:28-29Luke 23:21-23
Luke 23:13-22
Matthew 26:3-4
17. Falsely Judged
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Be accused by false witnesses

Be judged
Be silent before His accusers
Be innocent and had done no violence
Have no deceit in His mouth

Psalm 35:11
Psalm 109:2

Isaiah 53:8
Isaiah 53:7
Isaiah 53:9
Isaiah 53:9
Matthew 26:59-60
John 18:29-30

John 18:19-22
Matthew 27:12-14
Matthew 27:19
John 18:38
18. Rejected
Old Testament
New Testament
At the time of Messiah’s coming, Israel would have unfit leaders
The Messiah’s brothers would disbelieve Him
Messiah would be the “stone” rejected by the Jews
The Jews would have a hardened heart against the Messiah
Messiah would be a “stumbling stone” for the Jews
The unbelief of Israel’s leaders would force the Messiah to reject them
Messiah would stop ministering to those who rejected Him
Messiah would be distressed over the Jews’ unbelief
Messiah’s own people would not believe He was the Christ
Messiah would be rejected

Messiah would be rejected by the Jews

Messiah would be rejected in favor of another king
Messiah would be rejected by Gentiles
Messiah’s rejection would cause God to remove His protection of Israel

The Messiah’s rejection would cause God to scatter Israel

Zechariah 11:4-6
Psalm 69:8
Psalm 118:22
Isaiah 6:9-10
Isaiah 8:14
Zechariah 11:8 
Zechariah 11:9
Isaiah 49:4

Isaiah 53:1
Zechariah 11:12-13
Isaiah 53:3
Zechariah 11:12-13Zechariah 12:10 
Isaiah 49:4

Psalm 69:8
Zechariah 11:4-6
Psalm 2:1
Zechariah 11:4-6 
Zechariah 11:10-11
Zechariah 13:7
Matthew 23:1-4
John 7:3-5
Matthew 21:42-43
John 12:37-40
Matthew 21:43-44
Matthew 23:33 
Matthew 13:10-11
Luke 19:41-42

John 12:37-38
Mark 8:31
Luke 17:24-26
Matthew 26:14-15Luke 20:17 
John 5:43

John 1:11
John 19:13-15
Acts 4:25-28
Luke 19:41-44 
Mark 13:2
Luke 1:50-51
19. Suffering
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Suffer while reconciling men to God
Have great sorrow and grief
Pray without ceasing in anguish
Be oppressed and afflicted
Be confined and persecuted
Have His face beaten and spit upon
Have His back whipped

Have His face disfigured from severe beatings

Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 53:3
Psalm 22:2
Isaiah 53:7
Isaiah 53:8
Isaiah 50:6
Isaiah 50:6
Isaiah 53:5
Isaiah 52:14
1 Peter 3:18
Luke 19:41-42
Matthew 26:38-39
Matthew 27:27-31
Matthew 27:27-31
Matthew 27:30
Matthew 27:26
Mark 15:15
Matthew 26:67-68
20. The Cruelest Execution Imaginable
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Be sacrificed upon the same mountain where God tested Abraham

Be grouped with criminals
Have His hands and feet pierced
(written 500 years before the Romans invented crucifixion as capital punishment)
Be crucified
Have His body pierced
Pray for His enemies
Be offered gall and vinegar
Have His garments divided
Have lots cast for His clothes
Be surrounded by Gentiles at His crucifixion
Be surrounded by Jews at His crucifixion
Have people stare at Him during His crucifixion
His friends would stand watching far away
Be thought to be cursed by God
Be mocked by people shaking their heads

Have mockers say of Him, “He trusted God, let God rescue (deliver) Him”
Cry out to God
Be forsaken by God
Be surrounded by evil spirits
Thirst during crucifixion

Thirst shortly before His death
Commit His Spirit to God
Be killed

Die a violent death
Have none of His bones broken

Have His heart burst, flowing with blood and water
Cause God to bring darkness from noon to 3 PM across the land
Be buried in a rich man’s grave

Genesis 22:2
2 Chronicles 3:1
Isaiah 53:12
Psalm 22:16

Isaiah 53:5Zechariah 12:10 
Psalm 109:4

Psalm 69:21
Psalm 22:18
Psalm 22:18
Psalm 118:10-11
Psalm 22:16
Psalm 22:17Psalm 38:11
Isaiah 53:4
Psalm 22:7
Psalm 109:25
Psalm 22:8
Psalm 22:1
Psalm 22:1

Psalm 22:12-13
Psalm 22:15
Psalm 69:20-21
Psalm 22:15
Psalm 31:5
Isaiah 53:8
Daniel 9:26
Zechariah 13:7
Numbers 9:12
Psalm 34:20
Psalm 22:14Amos 8:9
Isaiah 53:9
John 19:17

Luke 23:32
Matthew 27:38

Matthew 27:46 
John 19:34 
Luke 23:34

Matthew 27:34
John 19:23-24
John 19:23-24
Luke 23:36
Matthew 27:41-43
Luke 23:35Luke 23:49
Matthew 27:41-43
Matthew 27:39
Mark 15:29-30
Matthew 27:41-43 
Matthew 27:35

Mark 15:34
Colossians 2:15
John 19:28
John 19:28
John 19:30
Luke 23:46
Matthew 27:50
John 19:30
Mark 15:37
John 19:32-33
John 19:32-33
John 19:34-37Matthew 27:45
Matthew 27:57-60

21. Resurrected in Triumph Over Death
Old Testament
New Testament
The Messiah would:
Not have His body subject to decay
Be resurrected
Be resurrected and live forever
Be resurrected by God
Cause others to rise to life at His own resurrection
Be God’s “firstborn”
Defeat death

Defeat Satan
Be justified by His righteousness
Ascend into heaven

Be originally descended from heaven and would ascend there to return
Be exalted to the right hand of God
Be resurrected and crowned as King
Be exalted by God with power and strength
Be at the right hand of God

Have an everlasting throne

Have an everlasting dominion
Be greatly exalted by God because of His sacrifice
Be highly exalted

Receive authority over all
Be given authority over all things
Be seen in a vision in a glorified state

Psalm 16:8-10
Psalm 16:8-10
Isaiah 53:10
Isaiah 55:3
Isaiah 26:19
Psalm 89:27
Isaiah 25:8
Hosea 13:14
Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 50:8
Psalm 68:18
Daniel 7:13-14
Proverbs 30:4
Psalm 16:11
Psalm 2:7
1 Samuel 2:10
Psalm 80:17
Psalm 110:1
Psalm 110:5
1 Chron. 17:11-12
Psalm 45:6-7
Daniel 7:13-14
Isaiah 53:12 
Isaiah 52:13

Daniel 7:13-14
Isaiah 53:10
Psalm 2:8
Psalm 8:6
Daniel 7:13
Daniel 10:5-6
Acts 13:35-37
Matthew 28:6
Mark 16:19
Acts 13:34
Matthew 27:52-53
Hebrews 1:6
Revelation 1:18
1 Corinth. 15:55-57
1 John 3:8
1 Timothy 3:16
Luke 24:51
Acts 1:9-11
John 3:13
Acts 2:25-33
Acts 13:30-33
Matthew 28:18
Acts 5:31
Mark 16:19
1 Peter 3:21-22
Luke 1:31-33
Luke 1:31-33
Luke 1:31-33
Matthew 28:18 
Philippians 2:9-11

Ephesians 1:20-22
John 17:1-5
Matthew 28:18
Matthew 28:18
Revelation 1:13-16

Posted 12th March 2013 by