Dr Michael L Brown: Was Jesus just God's representative?
Dr. James White on Ehrman's Christology
Dr James White comments on Dr Bart D. Ehrman's Christology at the ...
Dr James White comments on Dr Bart D. Ehrman's Christology at the University of Potchefstroom Seminary.
Deficient Unitarianism - Evaluating Buzzard and Chandlers' claims by Rudolph Boshoff
Topics: Who was the first Trinitarians? If Jesus was not a Trinitarian ...
Who was the first Trinitarians?
If Jesus was not a Trinitarian what was He?
The Jews did not believe in the Trinity?
Singular personal pronouns and the Trinity.
Tom Wright on Monotheism.
Rob Bowman's Monotheism ...evaluated.
Are we disregarding the Jewish understanding of God?
Does the concept of the Trinity keep Jews and Muslims away from a full realization of the Christian faith?[+] Show More
Why did Jesus never explicitly say Who He was? PS Rudolph Boshoff
Why did Jesus never explicitly say who He was? | Ps Rudolph P. Boshoff ...
Why did Jesus never explicitly say who He was? | Ps Rudolph P. Boshoff | Ad Lucem Ministries.
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Was Jesus Ignorant (Mark 13:32) by Rudolph Boshoff
An evaluation of Yusuf Ismail's "The true story of the Trinity" by ...
An evaluation of Yusuf Ismail's "The true story of the Trinity" by Rudolph P Boshoff
We discuss:
Looking at the context of Scripture.
Was Jesus Ignorant (Mark 13:32).
Did Jesus face death as the ...Divine or as Man?
What does it mean when Jesus was subordinate to the Father.
What did the book of Job record in Chapter 25, and is the Words of Bildad true?
I would love to hear from you! Be sure to comment and let me know what you would like to see more of or less of! Or drop a comment with your question for our Q&A videos!
Was Jesus inferior to the Father according to John 14v28 ? by PS Rudolph Boshoff
Was Jesus inferior to the Father as described in John 14:28
Was Jesus inferior to the Father as described in John 14:28
Jesus has a God! (John 20:17) Replying to Dale Tuggy | Pastor Rudolph Boshoff.
Dale's claim is straightforward: he asserts that Jesus, by referring ...
Dale's claim is straightforward: he asserts that Jesus, by referring to Himself as having a God, was not divine but rather a human being. Pastor Rudolph highlights John's remarkable skill ...in reinforcing the core theme of the scriptural narrative that Jesus IS God. In doing so, John portrays Jesus not only as the universal Savior but also as the ascended Lord who empathizes with our vulnerabilities.
If you are looking for a speaker for your event, consider booking Pastor Rudolph! https://adlucem.co/contact/
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CiM Collective (Previously Christ in Me International)
Neels Labuschagne leer sy volgelinge dat die term "God" slegs op die Vader ...van toepassing is en nie op Jesus, die Seun, of die Heilige Gees nie. Volgens hom is die goddelikheid van Jesus dus 'n mite, en hy beweer dat Jesus nêrens in die Bybel as God beskryf word nie.
Pastoor Rudolph wys daarop dat daar drie probleme is met Neels se argumente. Eerstens is daar wel teksgedeeltes waar Jesus uitdruklik as God genoem word. Tweedens bevat die Nuwe Testament verskeie gedeeltes waar Jesus eksplisiet of implisiet as God beskryf word. Laastens is daar 'n spesifieke teologiese rede waarom Jesus sê dat die Vader Sy God is. Kom luister saam met ons om meer te ontdek!
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CiM Collective (Previously Christ ...in Me International)
Romeine 15:5-6 – Jesus verwys na God as Sy Vader (sien ook 2 Korintiërs 1:3, 2 Korintiërs 11:31, Efesiërs 1:3, Kolossense 1:3 en 1 Petrus 1:3). Neels Labuschagne lees egter hierdie skrifgedeeltes selektief en mis om die volle konteks oor te dra wat die outeurs probeer kommunikeer. Pastor Rudolph plaas die tekste in hul regte konteks en gee 'n dieper begrip.[+] Show More